Power of youth in community is very useful and admired when they make a right activity. COERR Mae Sod sees it necessary to support the youth in Mae La camp to build up their volunteering spirit and service mind towards others in their community especially the elderly who are too weak to go out of their houses and do not have family members to take care.
On August 20, 2015, there was a gathering of youth and elderly who are healthy and strong enough to come to meet and exchange their views about ways of living and cultural knowledge. On August 21, refugee youth numbering 15 paid a visit to elderly who were unable to leave their home to provide moral support and do the household chores. During the visit, youth also learn from staff who led the visit about proper healthcare principles.
This activity is an ambitious innovation that benefits the youth participants who acquire skills in healthcare for elders, as well as the elders who were happy to exchange their life experience to youth visitors and gained moral support and healthcare knowledge.

The Youth Volunteers for Elderly Care is designed to build up service mind and voluntary spirits as well as to strengthen relationship among members of different generations in refugee community |